14th November 2019
Digitale virtuale fisico, e ritorno
Nel dialogo i progettisti di Poplab hanno mostrato come, all’interno del laboratorio, il processo di lavoro si srotoli attraverso mondo digitale, con la progettazione parametrica e il BIM, il mondo fisico, conprototipi in scala e la costruzione di dettagli costruttivi e il mondo virtuale, con l’uso di visori che consentono di entrare in modo immersivo nello spazio progettato.
Poplab è un laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo per l'architettura e il design. Utilizza gli strumenti della manifattura digitale per fabbricare innovazione.
09th May 2019
Alimentarsi, un bisogno primario e quotidiano. Ma può il cibo diventare un territorio di riflessione architettonica? In che modo produzione, distribuzione e consumo del cibo incidono sul paesaggio naturale e urbano? Quali sono gli effetti, oltre a quelli estetici e spaziali, che hanno sulle comunità e i territori?
Da qui è partita la discussione con Pippo Ciorra, ragionando sui vari livelli di scala che entrano in gioco nella ricerca relativa al cibo: dalla cucina alla casa, dalla città alla regione, dalla dimensione del corpo umano fino a quella globale.
Pippo Ciorra è architetto, critico, docente, membro del comitato editoriale di “Casabella” dal 1996 al 2012, collabora con giornali e riviste ed è autore di molti saggi e pubblicazioni. Ha curato e allestito mostre in Italia e all’estero; dal 2009 è senior curator per l’architettura al MAXXI di Roma. Tra le mostre curate, ricordiamo la serie “Recycle”, “Energy”, “Erasmus” e “Food”.
04 aprile 2019
The allonomous conditions
Fino ad oggi, siamo sempre stati abituati ad un approccio piuttosto classico e accademico verso il mondo dell’architettura. Negli ultimi anni risulta però sempre più emergente la volontà di sviluppare un’indagine a livello ontologico, sociale e tecnologico, preludio di un cambio di prospettiva senza il quale non è possibile immaginare un progresso e un avanzamento rispetto all’impostazione alla quale fino ad oggi siamo stati ancorati. Sorge l’urgenza di porsi delle domande: che cosa ci aspetta in futuro? Quali saranno le frontiere dell’urbanistica e dell’architettura? In che modo le nuove tecnologie si applicano alle città e influenzano l’abitare? Quali saranno le implicazioni estetiche, sociali e politiche?
13 dicembre 2018
Al(l)ready - HerculaneProject
Dopo 5 anni di condivisione degli studi universitari, alcuni studenti della facoltà di architettura di Timișoara (Romania) hanno deciso di imbarcarsi nel loro progetto più ambizioso: la riattivazione turistica della storica struttura termale della città di Băile Herculane (Romania).
Localizzati nella parte nord della città, gli ex-bagni imperiali dell’impero austroungarico si presentano oggi in uno stato di avanzato e continuo degrado. L’obiettivo è di riportare all’antico splendore, sia dal punto di vista architettonico che sociale, questo affascinante centro termale, definito dall’imperatore Franz Josef d’Austria come il più bello del continente.
Herculane Project è il nome del progetto curato da questo gruppo che nel frattempo si è ampliato fino a diventare un team multidisciplinare – formato non più solo da studenti, ma anche architetti, archeologi, ingegneri – accomunati dall’idea che solamente agendo insieme è possibile salvaguardare e promuovere il patrimonio culturale.
05 novembre 2018
Neuroscienze e Architettura: una nuova antica alleanza
L’architetto Ruzzon ha approfondito il mondo delle neuroscienze, ponendo particolare attenzione al modo in cui il nostro sistema percettivo multisensoriale entra in rapporto con lo spazio architettonico. Ogni azione motoria possiede dei contenuti emotivi e la nostra percezione è integrata dalla simulazione di questa azione.
L’architettura, tenendo conto di questi meccanismi cognitivi, acquista un enorme potenziale che permette di progettare effettivamente l’ambiente e la sua forma in modo da ottenere una sintonia tra le emozioni attese e generate durante l’esperienza.
L’architettura è la nostra seconda coscienza.
08 ottobre 2018
La piccola scala
Rural Studio: Progettare e costruire in West Alabama
Elena Barthel, graduated in Architecture in Florence, began working since 2008 at the Auburn University School of Architecture in West Alabama (USA), dealing in particular with the management of Rural Studio Farm. Rural Studio is an educational program of Auburn University that, from 1993, deals with ethical and sustainable design.
During the meeting we discussed the physical, social, economic and environmental dynamics that architectural and urban projects can generate. The spirit of Rural Studio aims at increasing the sensitivity of people and designers.
June 12th 2018
June 4th 2018
Programming Architecture
Milos Dimcic, architect, engineer and computer programmer, through the project "Programming Architecture ", develops for years software and parametric applications for the resolution of problems related to free-form building, for the structural optimization and related to the construction of the work.
With his lecture "A DfferenT kind F architecT ", Dimcic brought us into the world of programming and explained what its application in the architectural and engineering field means, through an overview on issues like automations, optimization and parametric design.
April 16th 2018
Comporre l'antico
The speech of Architect Markus Scherer was a soaking in the restoration world. The guest, in fact, is renowned in his field at international level, through nomination for important awards like Mies Van der Rohe Award.
March 22-23th 2018
A new way of looking at architecture
Kris Provoost and Wahyu Pratomo in 2014 launched their YouTube channel, #donotsettle, aiming to bring architecture onto this virtual platform. They both graduated in two of the best University of architecture in the world and worked for a few years in offices like ZHA or NACO, their current YouTube channel has more than 25.000 followers. Acropoli listened to their story, trips and passion told through their videos and in the end it could experience itself the practice of filming thanks to the activity organized at the neighborhood “Le Albere” by Renzo Piano.
June 1st 2017
L'invenzione del quotidiano
The Spanish duo Gravalos-Di Monte Arquitectos is known for the several projects of urban regeneration, temporary reuse of abandoned spaces and projects joined by the local population as new frontier of the contemporary architecture. The conference with the architect Gravalos, that started after the construction of an urban installation, represented the opportunity to share the strategies used in the urban regeneration field that find a solution to the problem of interstitial spaces, child of the intense building activity.
May 24th 2017
L'equazione del dettaglio
The event organized for Monica Armani, architect and designer, was a great chance to look into the relationship between interior design and architecture. The guest explained the way she works through the exposition of some of her most famous pieces of furniture and architectures. In this way she could clearly show how a creative character like she is can range from the architecture work to a smaller piece of interior design.
May 03th 2017
Mettere in mostra. L'allestimento comeprogetto di architettura
Acropoli got in touch with architect Filindeu thanks to the several exhibition layouts designed for the MART Museum in Rovereto, Italy. The conference with Gianni was a good opportunity to understand that the discipline of exhibition design is equally important as architecture itself, reinforcing indeed the eclectic role of the architect. Furthermore, the topic of public space derived from urban leftovers, central topic for our association, was clearly explained by the architect, after the studies he carried out on the subject throughout his career.
April 05th 2017
Il BIM nella progettazione di sistemi infrastrutturali
SWS is a consultant and engineering firm that deals mostly with big infrastructural works. Even if it mainly seeks for civil engineers as new members of the team, in the recent times this company showed the interest in betting on the hybrid figure of the engineer-architect, since its ability in combining the more technical aspects of the project with the aesthetic part.
March 22nd 2017
Residenza, di difficoltà virtù
The activities of BBS range from urban planning to pure architecture and interior design and they take great pride in the idea that the role of an architect surely has to range from the scale of territory all the way to the detail design. We invited BBS to make them talk about their professional experience in the multiscale world of architecture. Experience the project in this case means having the knowledge of all its scales and the different facets it can have.
March 08th 2017
Architetture 07-17
The activities of BBS range from urban planning to pure architecture and interior design and they take great pride in the idea that the role of an architect surely has to range from the scale of territory all the way to the detail design. We invited BBS to make them talk about their professional experience in the multiscale world of architecture. Experience the project in this case means having the knowledge of all its scales and the different facets it can have.
01 marzo 2017
Strutture leggere: progettazione strutturale e tecnologica
Maffeis Engineering is a civil engineering company whose work field is mostly based on tensile structures. Meeting Maffeis Engineering was a chance to explore this sector through short theoretical lectures and practical examples. As many other events, the guest could find a crowded audience of young talented students of architecture and engineering from which they could find new members of their team, also thanks to the proximity of their head office.
May 24th 2017
L'illustrazione: comunicare attraverso le forme
Oscar Diodoro is one of the most talented creative minds in the field of illustration and graphic design. His nickname is ODD, that stands for Oscar Diodoro Designer, but it also refers to the English word, representing his “bizarre” soul. Applying the art of vector graphic everywhere, ODD could make his way in this field and his work were exposed in Rome, Milan, Verona, Treviso, Los Angeles and Paris. We invited him in order to talk about the central role that graphics has in the communication field and he could clearly explain what working as an illustrator means today.
January 19th 2017
Il progetto digitale. Nuove tecnologie per l'architettura
External Reference Architects represents a high-end architecture firm specialized in computational design combined with digital fabrication. This design approach is applied to high-end interiors for the retail and hospitality sector. Starting from the design of exhibitions stages, the firm has evolved into premium restaurant design, showing us how cutting-edge technology can achieve contemporary luxury with traditional materials.
November 08th 2016
La teoria in pratica
Campomarzio represents one of the youngest architecture firm in Italy. Some of them directly come from our same University course and, in this respect, they could explain how they moved from the academic world to the professional one.
November 21th 2016
Biennale Architettura 2016
The speech held by Chiara Rizzi, Associate Professor at the University of Trento, was a chance to introduce the main topics of the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia of 2016, “Reportin from the front”, where many students from the course of Building Engineering and Architecture would have participated, not only as visitors, but also as exhibitors.